Monday, July 14, 2008

Thing 19 - ("on dokuz" - TURKISH)

I found this podcast from the Minnesota Public Radio Podcasts on Jack White's facemelting abilities from Facemelter with Jill Riley and Brett Baldwin. Jack White is one of my favorite artists and I was quite pleased to find a podcast on him.

I have used podcasts before. To me, they are the auditory version of what Blogs had to offer. Ownership and the ability to share your perspective to the world instantly. I think one weakness and maybe a reason why it hasn't caught on like Blogs is a lot of people do not like to listen to themselves (smile). That is just true. Typing out your thoughts avoids that discomfort. Another reason might be the control factor when engaging someone else's content. When I look at someone's Blog I can skim, read thoroughly, or even print it for later reading. A podcast makes you sit through the entire thing for that set amount of time. Sure you could skip forward, but you do not know what you are missing then.

Podcasts are quite novel in the classroom for elementary students. Having the students listen to each other is very cool for them. Posting them on a website for the world to listen to is great, but requires permission. I have used it with poetry before. I did not post them on a website, but the students had the chance to listen each other throughout that week. I look forward to trying to figure what else I could do with podcasts in the classroom.

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