Monday, July 14, 2008

Thing 21 - ("dvadesetjedan" - CROATIAN)

Well, here was another area that I have not really jumped into. I joined the 23 Things On a Stick Ning at This was probably my first online community besides the others I joined through this assignment. I placed my beautiful badge on this blog and one more widget (a music player) that I could not get working. If you know how to get songs onto that widget, please post a comment with the instruction.

I then went and checked out the other ones listed in this thing. I love movies! So, I thought I would join It took me awhile to fill out my profile. I actually look forward to sharing my thoughts on movies. It will be interesting how engaged I get within this community. I will do my best to show my new Web 2.0 version of ME. I love talking shop about movies, their story lines, and the acting and directing. So, hopefully this may lead to a new interaction for me.

If the security is there, it would be cool for students to interact with each other based on interest. I think we promote this in the classroom by actual person to person interaction. It would be cool for students to meet other students in a safe way using the web and sites like these. It would be good to find out if there is such a thing like Filmcrave for students and other interests.

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