Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thing 7 ("sju" - NORWEGIAN)

I currently have my business email and two personal emails. One personal email is my real account. The other email is my junk mail account. I give out my second personal email to businesses and registrations that require an email. I discovered that often times I would receive garbage SPAM and got sick of using the filters in the email programs. I found that having two personal emails worked out great. I read the productivity hints and it made sense. I am sometimes too wordy.

In college, I use to chat often with friends in the good old chat rooms. IMing isn't new to me, but I do not use it as part of my daily communication. A lot of my friends and family just don't do it, so who would I talk to? I setup the web-based Google Talk on my blog. Hopefully I can practice using it with some of you! My username is JonZetah. Feel free to invite me.

Text messaging is cool, and I am becoming better at it. I still don't know all of the lingo. I usually type out all of my words with few abbreviations. Sad, I know. My friends, family, and even my students have engaged in texting before. I do give out my cellphone to my students during the year. They call me with questions about their homework or share something that is going on. Guidelines and expectations are clearly covered in the beginning of the year with the parents. The age level I work with makes this possible. If I worked with older students, I would have to think about if I would give out my cellphone.

Web Conferencing is something I have not done, yet. I will definitely checkout one of the OPAL opportunities to watch using their master schedule. It is something really new to me, so I am interested to see how it goes.

1 comment:

Marian the Librarian said...

Hi Jon,

Totally know what you mean about texting. I tried it earlier this year and kind of liked it, but also found it a little distracting while working on other things. Like you, I too am slow to pick up the texting abbreviations! :-)